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Pez Cuckow

View Your Forecast Schedule Right in Your Calendar

Many businesses consider Forecast to be their single source of truth: it tells who should be doing what and when. We’re happy to announce that as of today, that truth is easier for all your teammates to access. Now you can view your Forecast...

Great Scott! Faster Time Traveling in Forecast

When planning in Harvest Forecast, it’s common to need to look at the past or the future, whether to double-check something from last month, or plan an upcoming project three months from now. Previously, this was only possible by clicking “Previous...

Behind the New Invoices Overview

Ever wonder about the inner-workings that make Harvest tick? There are a lot of continual updates to our codebase that our users never see. In the lull before our next update to Invoices Overview, we thought it a good chance to give you a sneak peek...